Use Erply in Sweden

Here you can find all the relevant information about what Erply offers for Swedish companies


Why to choose Erply in Sweden?

Core Features

Erply is a web-based retail software that works wherever you have an Internet connection. Erply contains all the apps and integrations needed for retail and covers the entire workflow from end to end in real time.

Business Benefits

See reports, track sales, send invoices via email, create sales campaigns, increase efficiency! For us, it doesn’t matter if you have 1 or 50 stores – creating the next store is only a click away. Take our Point of Sale self-service app in use to avoid queues in stores and reduce labor costs!

Customer Support

Erply offers FREE customer service through phone, email, and chat.

Payment methods and bank integrations

We currently support external payments where cashiers manually add the payment sum on the terminal, and mark the transaction “paid by card” on the POS.

We are currently in the process of having payment integration available in your country, visit our site again for more updates!


Hardware integrations

Erply doesn’t require any special hardware adaptations and it works with different types of system without suffering from compatibility issues, thus Erply can be used with already existing devices, eliminating the costs of buying new hardware, when changing systems.


Supported platforms

Erply works on all of the most popular platforms, for workstation use you can use Windows, macOS or Linux, and for the mobile environment we have native applications on both Android and iOS. All the applications are region specific.


E-commerce integrations

Erply customers will have the possibility to use Erply’s existing webshop integrations: Shopify, WooCommerce and Magento free-of-charge. These integrations are built by Erply integration team and are updated regularly to match more complex needs from our customers globally. Shopz is Erply’s on e-commerce platform that’s fully integrated with Erply. See more HERE.


Erply's products that are supported

Erply´s core products, ERP and POS are fully translated and matched with Swedish regulations, by using Erply, our customers in Sweden are able to get all needed reports for accounting purposes straight from the system, in real-time. For more advanced warehouse needs, Erply offers a mobile solution for the warehouse workers, called Erply WMS (Warehouse Management System). By using WMS Erply customers can make their warehouse 100% paperless, reduce the time and cost of inventory management and order fullfillment, all while keeping all of the data in the cloud real-time. For customers with increased sales channel needs, Erply offers a full range self service POS solution for the Swedish market as well. With Erply self service POS, you can add a digital worker to your store that can replace your cashiers, or add more ways for customers to pay for their products! All Erply functions are also available through mobile apps in the Swedish market, making the smart device in your pocket a real helper in your daily work life.


Support in Sweden

Erply offers FREE customer service through phone, email and chat in English from 9 to 17 Monday to Friday.

Calls and emails outside of these times will be redirected to our global call-centers. You can reach us by email at, with phone from +372 628 0020 and through our chat tool on our website at

You’ll also be able to find help from our user guides on


Taxes and currencies

Sweden has three levels of taxes: VAT is at a standard rate of 25% , and two reduced rates of 12% Some foodstuffs; non-alcoholic beverages; take away food; minor repair of bicycles, shoes and leather goods, clothing and household linen; hotel accommodation; restaurant and catering services; some works of art, collectors items and antiques, and 6% Domestic passenger transport; books (including e-books); newspapers and some periodicals; admission to cultural events (excluding cinema); writers and composers; admission to sports events; use of sports facilities. All of these taxes are ready made for all Erply accounts n Sweden, and if needed different taxes can also be added to the system later on. Erply report functions allows users to fetch reports that split the VAT into different columns, making the life of accountants easier than ever before.

Erply supports all the worlds currencies, for all Swedish accounts the default currencies from the start are Swedish krona and US Dollar, but these can be added whenever needed. Currency rates can also be set up for purchasing purposes.We partners with Erply Books to get the accounting integrated befween Erply and Book Keeping. Online accounting program with flexible and diverse solutions that will give you an easier way to manage bank transactions. Read more here:


Accounting packages

We are partners with Erply Books to get the accounting integrated between Erply and Book Keeping. Online accounting program with flexible and diverse solutions that will give you an easier way to manage bank transactions. Read more here: