For new Polish accounts, Polish language will be enabled by default.
For new Dutch accounts, Dutch language will be enabled by default.
Additions to the "Quantities in Bins" API:
Fields "allowedProduct", "replenishmentMinimum", "maximumAmount", "order", "preferred" added to API getBins and saveBin.
Input filter "preferred" added to API getBins, getBinRecords and getBinQuantities (to retrieve data from preferred bins only).
Output field "preferred" added to API getBinRecords and getBinQuantities (to indicate whether each record belongs to a preferred or non-preferred bin).
Input filter "productIDs" added to API getBinQuantities.
Input fields "documentType" and "documentID" in API saveBinRecords are no longer compulsory.
Improved: API prevents changing product or supplier code if it is used for inter-account synchronization.
Fixed: When creating Inventory Registrations or Inventory Write-Offs, API checked wrong user rights.
Fixed: In certain cases, API calls getCustomers and getPurchaseDocuments produced error 1000 on franchise accounts.
Security fixes.
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