"PayPal Here" added to the list of payment processing gateways. (API getGateways now returns it as one of the options.)
Endpoint URL of the Paypal Here gateway added to API verifyUser, changePassword and switchUser calls.
Service endpoint URLs (Cayan, Avalara, Pusher, StrikeIron, PayPal) are now also returned to Providence POS, in addition to Berlin POS. (In API verifyUser, changePassword and switchUser calls.)
Filter "pointOfSaleID" added to API getSalesDocuments.
Additions to the "Quantities in Bins" API:
Input filters "allowedProduct" and "code" added to API getBins. Both return exact matches only.
Input filter "minimumAmount" added to API getBinQuantities — to return only those bin quantities which are larger or equal to the specified value.
Fields "replenishmentMinimum" and "maximumAmount" in bins have been changed from integer to decimal. API saveBin and getBins now support and return fractional values for these two fields.
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