New Features

  1. New API call getServiceEndpointsForPOS
    has been added.
  2. Fields "vatrateID", "currencyCode", "countryID", "deliveryTermsID", and "integrationCode" have been added to API calls getSuppliers
    and saveSupplier
  3. Fields "transactionTypeID", "transportTypeID", "deliveryTermsID", "deliveryTermsLocation", and "triangularTransaction" have been added to API calls getPurchaseDocuments
    and savePurchaseDocument
    . To use these fields, your account country must be an European Union country. Otherwise, when attempting to set these fields with "savePurchaseDocument", API will return error code 1159.
  4. Fields "projectID" and "rounding" have been added to API calls getPurchaseDocuments
    and savePurchaseDocument


  1. Obsolete input parameter "doNotCreateUser" has been removed from API call createInstallation.


  1. Fixed: API call saveProductGroup
    added unnecessary escaping to quotation marks in product group names.
  2. Fixed: re-saving a sales document with saveSalesDocument
    removed the "sourceWaybillID" values from document rows.