New Features

  1. Identity Integration Every API call that creates a new session (verifyUser, changePassword,switchUser), now also returns a JSON Web Token (JWT). This token can be used to authenticate with the various Erply services that require a JWT. These services include, for example:
    • Erply Cloud apps (FNE, Builder apps);
    • Erply CDN (beta);
    • Erply Identity;
    • Erply Service Engine;
    • and others.
    The new returned field is "identityToken". If you 1) have a company in Identity, 2) have integrated that company with your Erply account and 3) have a user account with the same name (same email address) in both Identity and Erply back office, the returned token will belong to that Identity user account and will contain all its permissions. If you do not have an Identity company integrated with your Erply account yet, one will be created automatically. If you do not have a user account with the same name in Identity yet, a user account will be created automatically. That user will have only a limited default permission set (eg. the permission to query CDN), additional permissions can then be added in Identity as usual.
  2. API calls addInvoiceAlgorithmChange, getInvoiceAlgorithmChanges and removeInvoiceAlgorithmChange have been added. These API calls allow to migrate from one "invoice calculation algorithm" to another. The algorithms in Erply are by convention designated with version numbers. Classic back office supports versions 2, 3 and 4; Berlin back office supports versions 2 and 3. The default version for all accounts is 2. Algorithms 3 and 4 are typically meant for more specific use cases. Changes can only be made for future dates (a change cannot be retroactive). However, it is also possible to go back to a lower version; previously this was not supported. Using these API calls requires support from back office, too. Support for these algoritm changes comes in Classic back office version 4.21 and also in a future Berlin back office version. Unless your account is on a supported back office version, you should not use these API calls. Otherwise, the algorithm changes will not be enforced anywhere else than in API.
  3. Various preparations have been made to support Web Hooks. Erply Web Hooks are a new feature that will soon be available; more detailed information will be announced separately. This API version contains just the following changes:
    1. New API call "wmGetSalesDocuments".
    2. Support for events "posTransactionConfirmed", "salesOrderCreated" and"salesOrderConfirmed".
  4. Input parameter "shipToContactID" has been added to API call saveSalesDocument.
  5. Fields "shipToContactID" and "shipToContactName" have been added to the output of API call getSalesDocuments.


  1. Fixed: field "rightMakePOSReturnsWithoutReceipt" in API call getUserRights, which sometimes was returned as a string and sometimes as an integer, is now always an integer.
  2. Fixed: API call getInventoryTransferReport did not respect the date filters (input parameters) when requesting a report of inventory transfer orders (type=TRANSFER_ORDER).
  3. Fixed: API call saveStocktaking no longer adds matrix and bundle products to the created stocktaking sheet.
  4. Security improvements.