New Features

  1. Support for taxed gift cards has been added.
    This is related to EU Council Directive 2016/1065, which defines the concept of "single-purpose vouchers" and requires gift cards to be sold with VAT if possible. Please contact Erply customer support to receive more detailed support materials and to learn what workflows we recommend.
  2. Configuration parameter "unsuccessful_login_lockout_duration" has been added, to adjust how many minutes a user should be locked out of the system, after repeated unsuccessful log-in attempts. By default, the lock-out time is 10 minutes.


  1. Password requirements have been updated. When creating or changing a login password, the new password must now contain at least one capital letter, one small letter and one digit.
  2. Changing password on the "My preferences" page now requires entering the existing password, too.
  3. When creating a batch of recurring invoices from Sales → Recurring billing, the created invoices are now automatically selected with check boxes.
  4. An assignment printout now displays store phone number, instead of company’s general phone number.


  1. Fixed: in Retail Chain → Gift cards, searching by gift card status did not work.
  2. Fixed: "Prepayment" value was not showing up on the sales document printout in certain cases.
  3. Fixed: when adding a set of matrix variations to a sales document, Erply reset the quantities entered for those products back to 1.
  4. Fixed: When deleting an employee, the associated user account was not deleted properly.