New languages added: Simplified Chinese and Traditional Chinese.
In all lists, items can now be deleted in bulk.
CSV/Excel output format added to the "Inventory By Items" report.
On Greek accounts, "Tax Office" field ("Δ.Ο.Υ.") has been added to Settings → Configuration and to location card. This will be printed on invoices and receipts.
On Greek accounts, VAT number field on customer card is now checked for uniqueness.
Greek translations updated.
One optimization in Promotion Report.
Internal updates in the stocktaking module.
Fixed: Using the "Period for Comparison" filter resulted in a report with broken format.
Fixed: When editing (and saving) a customer's address, and then saving customer card, the changes made to the address were sometimes reverted.
Fixed: when adding a product with no default price to an Invoice, price set through the "Total" or "Price with VAT" field did not get saved.
Fixed: Rearrangements in the product group tree (dragging items around) did not always get saved.
Fixed: when downloading certain older documents, browser did not give an appropriate name to the download and suggested to save it with the name "file".
Security fixes.
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