Filters "Store Group" and "State Group" are now supported in Productivity Report (a customer-specific report).
After creating a sales invoice from an order or a waybill, Erply now correctly creates a new version of the order (waybill). This lets synchronization scripts detect that the document has changed (it now carries a reference to the sales invoice created from it).
Sales document form now allows to set a row's quantity to 0.
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Kasutame küpsiseid (ja muid sarnaseid tehnoloogiaid) mitmel eesmärgil, sealhulgas teie kogemuse parandamiseks meie saidil ning reklaamide ja analüütika jaoks. Nende kasutamiseks klõpsake "Nõustun kõik". Lisateavet leiate meie Privaatsuspoliitikast.