How to Store Vape Cartridges

You have picked your vape store location, registered your business name, set up a website, and made your first order. Now you have your inventory and it’s well arranged on the shelves while the rest sit in the storage room.

When it comes to proper storage of vape products, vape cartridges come to mind. They hold the e-juice and if they’re not properly stored, they can break and leak the vape fluid. Both you and your consumers need to handle and store it properly to maintain its integrity so that consumers can have the ultimate vaping experience. 

Let’s learn how to store vape cartridges.

How Long Do Vape Cartridges Last?

Vape cartridges
are useful, but they don't last forever. If you're not careful, your vape cartridge can become rancid or stale before selling to your customers. That's why it's essential to know how long you can store vape cartridges before they expire and how to store them to stay fresh and potent.

How long vape cartridges last depends on their packaging, ingredients, and storage conditions. For example, vape juice in glass bottles will last longer than e-juice stored in plastic bottles. 

It is because glass doesn't react with chemicals as plastic does. Similarly, nicotine salt-based e-liquids will last longer than ordinary e-liquids that contain only freebase nicotine because salts provide a more stable solution for nicotine in e-liquid.

In addition to the materials used in packaging and manufacturing, the potency of your vape cartridges is also affected by storage conditions. For example, storing your vape cartridge at room temperature or below is ideal because heat speeds up oxidation and degradation processes in liquids and oils. As a result, keeping your vape juice cool will extend its shelf life by slowing down these chemical reactions. 

Below are tips for successfully storing your vape cartridges.

1. Use Vape pen cases

Vape pen cases are small and portable, making them ideal for vape cartridge storage when customers are not using them. They can also use them as a carrying case when traveling or even just throw them in their pocket when out and about. The one major downside to vape pen cases is that they’re not very secure. If you want something more secure, look into other options.

2. Vape Cartridge Storage case

Cartridge cases store vape
cartridges and keep them safe from damage and moisture during storage. These cases come in a wide variety of shapes and sizes, so there should be one that fits the needs of your customers perfectly. Some even have built-in cable clips to allows for battery charging while it’s still in the case.

3. Keep Vape Cartridges Clean

Your customers should ensure their vape cartridge storage case is clean. They should wash it thoroughly before using it for the first time and then after each use. It will ensure that no dirt or debris gets into their vaporizer or mouthpiece. 

To clean the vape cartridge
holder properly, they need to fill up some hot water in a small bowl or cup and let it sit for about 5 minutes before draining it again onto a towel or paper towel. 

They should then rinse out the inside of the cartridge with warm water until all of the excess oil has been removed from the inside of it. They can also use rubbing alcohol if necessary.

4. Don't Overfill the Vape Cartridge

When storing their vape cartridges, consumers’ most common mistake is overfilling them with oil. It can lead to leaking during transport or even cause the entire cartridge to break apart when it's being used. If one notices that the vape cartridge has leaked, they need to clean up any excess oil immediately before using it again.

5. Check Vape Cartridges for Leaks Before Use

Before filling the pen with cannabis oil or vaping a pre-filled cartridge, customers should check for leaks by submerging the bottom end of the pen in water for 10 seconds. If bubbles appear around the mouthpiece or bottom end of the cartridge, there is a leak that must be repaired before using it again.

6. Refrigerate the Vape Cartridges

Some people prefer storing their vape cartridges in the refrigerator because they want to keep their oils fresh as long as possible. It can help prevent the degradation of flavor and vapour production over time, but it isn’t necessary if customers are using the oils right away after purchase. 

When storing inventory in your store, consider using a refrigerator for vape cartridges. 

7. Don't Keep Vape Cartridges Near Heat Sources

Heat is bad for vape cartridges, and it's worse for THC vape cartridges. THC is an oil-based substance that degrades when exposed to high temperatures, even temps as low as 70 degrees Fahrenheit (21 degrees Celsius). 

If a customer leaves their vape cartridge in the car on a sunny day, the heat will degrade the oil inside and affect its potency. Heat also speeds up the aging process and makes the plastic more brittle, which can cause leaks. 

Try to keep your cartridge inventory in a cool place out of direct sunlight; possibly away from windows.

8. Don't Store Vape Cartridges Near Chemicals

If customers keep vape cartridges in medicine cabinets or bathroom cabinets full of chemicals like cleaning supplies and personal care products, these chemicals can react with the oil inside the cartridge, causing it to break down faster than it usually would. It's best to keep the vape cartridge away from these chemicals as much as possible to ensure that it stays fresh and potent for more extended periods between uses.

The same applies when storing vape cartridges in your store. Make sure you don’t place them near chemicals on shelves and in the storage room. 

9. Keep Them Out of the Reach of Children or Pets

A vape cartridge is a small piece of equipment that contains nicotine and other chemicals that can be harmful if ingested by children or pets. Customers must keep vape cartridges away from young children and animals so they don't accidentally ingest any of these components.

10. Store them upright

This means that the cartridge is standing up on its base and not lying down on its side.

When stored this way, the vape liquid doesn't leak out through the holes at the bottom of the cartridge. If you store your cartridges laying down on their side on store shelves, then the liquid can leak out through these holes and cause damage to other cartridges or even destroy them completely.

When stored upright, the air has an easier time getting into the cartridges so they don't dry out too quickly or become damaged by heat while they're being transported from one place to another.

11. Don't let them touch each other

If customers have multiple carts lying around on their desks, they need to ensure they don't touch each other as this will increase the chances of them leaking when being stored upright or transported around in bags/purses/etc

12. Consider storing them in a tin can or a small container

The first thing that consumers need to do is find an airtight container where they can place their vape cartridges. They can use any type of container that has an opening at the top and bottom. The best option is to use a glass jar to prevent moisture from seeping into their cartridges. However, if they don’t have any glass jars available, they can use metal cans instead since they also work well.

13. Keep it off the ground

Storing vape cartridges off the ground and on store shelves keeps damaging moisture away. Your merchandise will stay in good condition and reduce the number of returns that result from damaged goods. 

Customers should not store vape cartridges on the ground or on a surface that could get wet with water or other liquids. They want to ensure their vape cartridge is protected from moisture that leads to mold growth or corrosion on the battery if water gets inside the cartridge.

Also, vape cartridges are usually made from glass, making them fragile and can break if dropped or bumped. If customers want to avoid replacing their vape cartridge after it breaks, they need to ensure it doesn't fall or get knocked over accidentally.


You see how important it is to keep the cartridge away from moisture, heat, and chemicals. It’s also crucial to keep them in vape cases, upright, and in a vape cartridge storage case. Provided th cartridges are stored properly, customers will have a great experience and you will not have losses. 

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